COMING HOME | A Short Film
Coming Home is an uplifting and enlightening story of one woman’s journey to recovery from breast cancer.
It evolved out of a short story, previously short-listed for the Hennessy Literary Awards by author Anne Chambers who wrote the screenplay.
Coming Home is directed by Lisa Mulcahy (The Clinic) and stars the Tony-nominated and IFTA award-winning actress Dawn Bradfield, supported by Simon O’Gorman, Maria McDermottroe, Theo Kirwan, Joey O’Sullivan and Holly Gregg. It is produced by Tile Films Ltd and funded by Nawrik, a not-for-profit family trust.
Coming Home is both a creative film and also an innovative and valuable aid in spreading the message of early detection and positivity in the fight against breast cancer.
The film is available free to any organisation/group/individual who wishes to avail of it as a support or fundraising tool in spreading the message of making cancer less frightening by enlightening.
Click this link to view the film